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where i really was...

this is the beginning. this is my story. this is the country that my heart fell in love with. welcome to my journey, welcome to my experiences, welcome to the country that brought my heart to life, welcome to the new person I am.


I serve for the orphaned children with HIV who have never seen a glimpse of love and are desperate for my hand to hold. I serve for the family of 9 who devoted their whole life savings to build a new home where I am blessed enough to construct the foundation of their fortress with cement. I serve for the children laying in hospital cribs with cerebral palsy patiently awaiting my presence to sing with them and play with their hair. I serve to the homeless alcoholics on the streets and feed their trembling bodies because pouring love into them is far greater than any ounce of alcohol they pour into their fragile frames. I serve for the children in a broken school desperate to hear a story of God and learn two words of English. I serve to the women on the streets selling hand made tortillas with baskets on their head and 5 children on an arm because prayer and a gentle embrace reminds her of our Lord's unfailing love. I serve to a country that simply wants to give because they devote their souls to God rather than to anything materialistic.

I did not serve a poor country; I served a country abundant with overflowing love. I served a country that offered me with such grace and passion that I seeped out the amount of joy they fed into my spirit. I serve to give my love that God so freely gave to me.


I am a slave to the ultimate Father. Serving God's Kingdom in Guatemala has brought me the most beautiful and rejoiced days with the perfect challenge of hard and frustrated days. I continue to seek after serving Him and spreading His name among all nations. Because this is a God that overwhelmed my soul with grace and sings over my being. Serving is not easy; it is emotional and it tears down my ultimate comfort zone with a puddle of waterworks from my eyes - but it will always be my command as an obedient Child of Christ.

I am called to do this. I am called to be a missionary.

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